

Our Team


Prof. Dr. Sebastian Seiffert
Principal Investigator

Office: 03 110 (Building 2121)
Phone: +49 (0) 6131 39 23887



PD Dr. Wolfgang Schärtl
Academic Staff
Lecturer on Physical Chemistry for Students of School Teaching/Students of Pharmacy
Coordinator and Instructor of the Advanced Practical Course on Physical Chemistry

Office: 02 424 (Building 2121)
Phone: +49 (0) 6131 39 22319



Dr. Moritz Susewind
Academic Staff

(Bio)polymer characterization and person in charge of analytical equipment

Office: 03 424 (Building 2121)
Phone: +49 (0) 6131 39 30687



Dr. Nora Fribiczer
Scientific Coordinator of SFB1552

Office: 03 434 (Building 2121)
Phone: +49 (0) 6131 39 31247



Prof. Dr. Mostafa Ahmadi
Humboldt Fellow

Office: 02 110 (Building 2121)
Phone: +49 (0) 6131 39 21898

Research Topic:
Double-Network Model Hydrogels



Dr. Amir Jangizehi

Office: 03 434 (Building 2121)
Phone: +49 (0) 6131 39 21870

Research Topic:
Supramolecular Hydrogels



Torsten G. Linder
PhD Student

Office: 03 434 (Building 2121)
Phone: +49 (0) 6131 39 21870

Research Topic:
Core–shell microgel interfacial interpenetration control for switchable elasticity



Johannes Berg
PhD Student

Office: 03 434 (Building 2121)
Phone: +49 (0) 6131 39 21870

Research Topic:
Porous alginate-based hydrogels for sustainable water purification



Sebastian Seitel
PhD Student

Office: 03 434 (Building 2121)
Phone: +49 (0) 6131 39 21870

Research Topic:
Structure and Dynamics of Amphiphilic Model Co-Networks



Sven Schäfer
PhD Student

Office: 03 434 (Building 2121)
Phone: +49 (0) 6131 39 21870

Research Topic:
Responsive and biodegradable hydrogels from radical ring-opening polymerisation



Paul Perske
PhD Student

Office: 03 438 (Building 2121)
Phone: +49 (0) 6131 39 21870

Research Topic:



Yasothaa Thavayogarajah
PhD Student

Office: 03 438 (Building 2121)
Phone: +49 (0) 6131 39 21894

Research Topic:
Enhanced Mobility in Supramolecular Polymer Networks by Connectivity Defects




Nico Perez Lopez
Master Student

Office: 03 438 (Building 2121)
Phone: +49 (0) 6131 39 21894

Research Topic:
Structure-property relationship studies of PEG-PCL amphiphilic Co-polymer
Networks by Dynamic Light Scattering



Lynn Zank
Bachelor Student

Office: 03 438 (Building 2121)
Phone: +49 (0) 6131 39 21894

Research Topic:
Diffusion in permanent-kovalent gebundene amphiphil PEG-PCL Netzwerken
analysiert durch FRAP




Julia Bender

Office: 03 114 (Building 2121)
Phone: +49 (0) 6131 39 26142



Dipl. Biol. Sandra Decker
Lab Technical Assistant

Office: 03 428 (Building 2121)
Phone: +49 (0) 6131 39 21892




Dipl. Ing. G. Conrad
Engineer for Electronics and IT

Office: 03 428 (Building 2121)
Phone: +49 (0) 6131 39 21854



Completed Research Projects


PhD Theses


Dr. Nora Fribiczer


Structure and Mechanics of Covalent-Permanent and Ionic-Reversible Star Polymer Networks
Time in our team: 12/2018–01/2024
Defense date: June 20, 2024
Since 01/2024: Scientific Coordination of SFB1552, JGU Mainz



Dr. Martha Koziol


Interplay of Structure and Dynamics in Metallo-Supramolecular Polymer Networks
Published in: Phys.Chem. Chem. Phys. 2022, ADFM 2022, Soft Matter 2022, Macromolecules 2021, ADHM 2020, Soft Matter 2019
Time in our team: 06/2017–05/2022
Defense date: May 25, 2022
Since 02/2022: Research Scientist Material Analytics at Robert Bosch GmbH, Renningen

Dr. Paola Nicolella


Engineering Dual Dynamic Polymer Networks with Tunable Elasticity and Diffusive Permeability
Published in:
Time in our team: 09/2018–03/2022
Defense date: May 16, 2022
Since 01/06/2022: Customer Technical Development Engineer at Solvay Specialty Polymers - Bollate (Milano, Italy)

Dr. Elena Stengelin


Defined and Functional Materials for Microtissue Engineering Applications
Published in:
Time in our team: 06/2017–03/2022
Defense date: March 28, 2022
Since 05/2022: Trainee Industrial Affairs at Sanofi, Frankfurt a. M.

 Dr. Katharina Breul


Structure–Property Relationships of Responsive and Reversible Gels - Chemical Design of Covalent and Supramolecular Polymer Networks
Published in:
Time in our team: 06/2017–01/2022
Defense date: Feb. 02, 2022
Since then:
> 02/2022: postdoc with Sebastian Seiffert at JGU Mainz
> 08/2022: Product Development Manager Comfort & Insulation at Evonik Operations GmbH - Specialty Additives, Essen

Dr. Willi Schmolke


Structure–Property Relationships in Polymer Systems: From Functional Microgels to Dynamic Polymer Solutions and Melts
Published in:
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2019, Macromolecules 2018, ACS Appl. Mater Interface 2016, Macromolecules 2015, J. Polym. Sci. B: Polym. Phys. 2015, Macromol. Chem. Phys. 2014.
Time in our team: 01/2014–07/2020
Defense date: July 10, 2020
Since 09/2020: Intellectual Property Manager at Chemische Fabrik Budenheim

Dr. Axel Habicht



Struktur und Dynamik von Polymer-Modellnetzwerken.
Published in:
Soft Matter 2019, Macromol. Chem. Phys. 2017, J. Rheol. 2017, Colloid Polym. Sci. 2017, J. Polym. Sci. B: Polym. Phys. 2017, Macromolecules 2016, J. Polym. Sci. B: Polym. Phys. 2015, Macromolecules 2014, Macromol. Chem. Phys. 2014.
Time in our team: 08/2012–05/2019
Defense date: May 10, 2019
> 06/2019–12/2021: BASF Berlin (EHS raw materials)
> Since 01/2022: research scientist at Siemes Energy, Mühlheim a. d. Ruhr, Germany

Dr. Sebastian Hackelbusch


Functional Polymeric Toolkits: From Supramolecular to Hybrid Polymer Gels.
Published in:
Polymer Chem. 2013, Macromolecules 2013, Macromolecules 2014, Adv. Healthcare Mater. 2015
Time in our team: 03/2011–03/2016
Defense date: March 9, 2016
Since then:
> 05/2016–04/2017: postdoc with Annabelle Bertin at BAM Berlin
> 06/2017–05/2018: training and reorientation to management
> Since 05/2018: project manager at Nitrochem. Wimmis, CH

Dr. Fany Di Lorenzo



Nanostructural Complexity in Polymer Gels and Microgel Packings.
Published in:
Macromolecules 2013, Colloid Polym. Sci. 2013, Macromol. Chem. Phys. 2014, Soft Matter 2015, ACS Macro Lett. 2015, Polymer Chem. 2015, Macromol. React. Eng. 2016.
Time in our team: 06/2011–10/2015
Defense date: October 27, 2015
Since then:
> 11/2015–09/2021 Researcher for Physical Chemistry at Adocia SA, Lyon, France
> 10/2021–03/2023: IP and Innovation Consultant at Questel, Grenoble, France
> Since 04/2023: Senior R&D Engineer at Becton Dickinson, Grenoble, France

Dr. Torsten Rossow

Functional Polymer Gels by Click- and Supramolecular Chemistry. Published in:
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, Polymer Chem. 2013, Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2013, Macromolecules 2013, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, Polymer Chem. 2014, Macromolecules 2014, Macromol. Biosci. 2014, Adv. Polym. Sci. 2015.
Time in our team: 01/2011–09/2015
Defense date: September 26, 2014
Since then:
> 09/2015–06/2016: postdoc with David Mooney at Harvard Univ.
> Since 07/2016: research scientist at Siemens AG, Berlin



Master Theses


Alima Heinzelmann
Structure property relationship of alginate hydrogels

Jonas Woller
Bioconjugation approaches towards oligo-beads synthesis for cDNA library preparation

Paul Perske
Thermo-responsive cores-shell microgels for water treatment

Sven Schäfer
Einfluss der Koordinationsgeometrie in supramolekularen Übergangsmetall-Polymer-Netzwerken

Laura Werner
Ein interaktives Lehrkonzept für die Vorlesung “Quantenmechanik und Spektroskopie“ auf Grundlage des Peer-Instruction Formats

Sarah Pschierer
Investigation of a supramolecular network based on acrylic acid and nitrodopamine moieties

Johannes Berg
Synthese und Strukturaufklärung von porösen, alginatbasierten Filtrationseinheiten zur selektiven Filtration von Farbstoffen aus Wasser

Julia Windhausen
Entwicklung neuer Lehr- und Lernkonzepte in der Grundvorlesung „Physikalische Chemie der Polymere“ – Transformation von Frontalvorlesung zum Interaktivformat

Daniel Lauxen
Composition dependent properties of a double dynamic network comprising a thermoresponsive polymer and terpyridine moieties

Inés Krüger
Self-Diffusion of Associating Star-Shaped Polymers Probed by FluorescenceCorrelation Spectroscopy

Torsten Gereon Linder
Influence of crosslinker hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity on the swelling of microgels

Nora Fribiczer
Mikrorheologie basierend auf Fluoreszenzkorrelationsspektroskopie

Samuel Meffert
Strukturelle Untersuchungen unterschiedlicher tetra-PEG Makromonomer basierter Hydrogele mittels statischer und dynamischer Lichtstreuung

Matthias Richter
Sondenkettendiffusion in dichtgepackten Mikrogelsuspensionen

Simon Kunz
Kolloidales vs. Makromolekulares Fließverhalten von Mikrogelpasten

Sascha Schmitt
Simultane dynamische und statische Lichtstreuung an unterschiedlichen tetra-PEG-Makromonomer basierten Hydrogelen

Katharina Breul
Sondenkettendiffusion in dichtgepackten Mikrogel-Suspensionen

Karin Lichtenstein
Microrheology of Transient Telechelic Chains in Semidilute Solution

Martha Koziol
Mikrorheologie an schwach assoziierten PEG-Ketten in halbverdünnter Lösung

Elena Stengelin
Zell-beladene Mikrogele zur in-vivo Gewebegenerierung

Nadine Manzl & Maria Pawlik
Das Fließverhalten hochkonzentrierter Mikrogelsuspensionen

Sebastian Blum
Mikrorheologie von polymeren Hydrogelen

Moritz Eisel
Mechanische Spektroskopie supramolekularer polymerer Hydrogele

Sebastian Czarnecki
Step-Strechable Supramolecular Polymer Gels

David Rochette
Volume Phase Transitions of Weakly Charged Microgels

Willi Schmolke
Functional Microgels with Designed Structure

Axel Habicht
Volumen-Phasen-Übergänge von Mikrogelen

Fany Di Lorenzo
Mechanics of Heterogeneous Microgel Suspensions

Sebastian Hackelbusch
Linear Poly(N-Isopropylacrylamide) with Sticky Sidegroups


Bachelor Theses


Lynn Zank 
Diffusion in permanent-kovalent gebundenen amphiphilen PEG-PCL Netzwerken analysiert durch FRAP

Yannik Görtz
Nanotemplating of biocompatible monolithic hydrogels for chromatography

Jan Eckhardt
Kern-Schale-Mikrogele zur Wasseraufbereitung

Philipp Föckler
Effekt der Koordinationsgeometrie aud die Struktur und Dynamik muschelinspirierter, seitenverknüpfter supramolekularer Polymerhydrogele

Otto Pazer
Auswirkung der Koordinationsgeometrie auf die Struktur und Dynamik von metallo-supramolekularen Hydrogelen mit Phenanthrolin-funktionalisierten Seitenketten

Yasothaa Thavayogarajah
Interplay of network strength and thermoresponsive properties in supramolecular polymer networks

Laura Wüst
Biokompatible Hydrogele mit einstellbarer Volumenphasenübergangstemperatur

Florian Jakobi
Thermische Effekte bei FRAP-Experimenten am Konfokalmikroskop

Marvin Manz
Self-diffusion of star-shaped polymer building blocks in controlled heterogeneous supramolecular networks

Theresa Emt 
UV-Vernetzte Polyurethangele mit einstellbarer Volumenphasenübergangstemperatur

Paul Perske
Optimierung und Charakterisierung der Beschichtung von GoldNanopartikeln mit α-Amino-ω-mercapto-poly(ethylenglykol)

Cora Sprenger
Control of the reassembly of a model supramolecular hydrogel by thermal treatment

Sebastian Seitel
Polyethylenglykol-basierte UV-vernetzbare Polyurethane mit einstellbarer LCST

Sebastian Kissel
Metallo-supramolekular vernetzbare Polyethylenglykol-basierte Multiblockcopolymer mit benachbarten Terpyridin-Gruppen

Sarah Pschierer
Polyethylenglykol-basierte thermoresponsive Polyurethane mit vernetzbaren Methacrylat-Seitengruppen

Evgeny Gorelik
Automated Data Evaluation of Microscopy Images for Diffusion-Model Fitting

Patrick Schmidt
Functionalized Microgels with Tailored Volume Phase Transition Temperature

Daniel Lauxen
Parameterraum der Belousov-Zhabotinsky-Reaktion in wässrigen Polymerlösungen

Laura Stein
Quellverhalten teil-thermoresponsiver Mikrogele

Jennifer Anders
Dynamics of Metallo-Organic Model Polymers

Dorian Donath
Quellverhalten thermo- und pH-sensitiver Mikrogele

Felix Kähne
Quellverhalten thermoresponsiver Mikrogele mit komplexer Struktur

Frank Obermeit
Effekt des Gegenions auf die mechanischen Eigenschaften Metallo-Supramolekularer Polymermodellnetzwerke

Sara Lange
Synthese von photovernetzbarem Acrylamid und monodisperser Poly(N-isopropylacrylamid) Mikrogele zur Darstellung thermoresponsiver Kern-Schale Partikel

Katrin Gromball
Wässrige Copolymerisation von Poly(N-Isopropylacrylamid) zur supramolekularen Vernetzung

Viviane Wagner
Sensitive Mikrogele

Jonas Schröder
Synthetic Route towards Hydrogen-Bonded Hydrogels

Hendrik Becker
Supramolecular Polymer Hydrogels


Research Internships


Laurens Cayé
Heteroleptic Hydrogels

Nico Perez Lopez
Investigations on Tetrafunctional PEG-PCL Amphiphilic Model Co-Networks via Dynamic Light Scattering on Gold Nanoparticles

Paul Perske
Thiol-ene reaction for grafting phenanthroline on PEG

Jose Malga
Cluster tuning in UPy-functionalized polyacrylates

Sven Schäfer
synthesis of UPy-functionalized polyacrylates

Juliana Breuer
Synthesis of Cooperatively Associating Star-Shaped Polymers

Jason Sirleaf
UV-Crosslinkable Diols for the Synthesis of Segmented Polyurethanes with Tunable Thermosensitivity

Daniel Lauxen
Synthetic pathways towards double dynamic networks

Johannes Berg
Darstellung von mikrofluidisch verkapselten CeO2-Nanopartikeln in alginatbasierten Mikrogelen

Joshua Krehan
Steigerung der Zelladhärenz PEG-basierter Polymersysteme und Etablierung der Kollagen-Mikrofluidik

Alena Kuzmina
Viabilität von Mikrogel-verkapselten Zellen

Nora Fribiczer
Mikrorheologie an PEG-Ketten in halbverdünnter Lösung

Vanshika Rana
Synthesis and fractionation of fluorescently labelled poly-(N-isopropyl acrylamide)

Robert Forster
Synthesis of a Hydrophilic Terpyridine Linker for the Design of an Artifical, Metal Chelating Amino Acid

Sebastian Binz
Rheologische Eigenschaftfen von metallo-supramolekularen Tetra-Arm Poly(ethylenglycol)-Netzwerken

Samuel Meffert
Synthese von 4′-Chloro-2,2′:6′,2′′-terpyridine

Phuong Loan Nguyen
Determination of thermodynamic equilibrium constants of different metal-terpyridine complexes in aqueous solution

Jolanta Szelwicka
Oszillierende Kettenverlängerung von metallo-supramolekularen Polymeren durch die Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaktion

Phil Opitz
Fluorescence Recovery after Photobleaching an linearen supramolekularen Polymeren

Martha Koziol
Dynamische Lichtstreuung an Metallo-Supramolekularen Polymermodellnetzwerken

Elena Stengelin
Darstellung von Zell und Vaterit-Nanopartikel enthaltenden Hydrogelkapseln zur Anwendung als Knochenaufbau-Materialien über das Mikrofluidik-Verfahren

Cui Wang
Mechanical Heterogeneity of Supramolecular Polymer Gels

Sebastian Czarnecki
Supramolecular Polymer Gels with Multiple Plateau Moduli

Abdul Fetyan
Microfluidic Synthesis and Thermodynamic Investigation of Polyelectrolyte Microgels

Emanuel Glitscher
Thermosensitive Microgels Formed at Different Conditions

Julia Schacht
Struktur und Dynamik in schaltbaren Polymergelen

Willi Schmolke
Synthesis and Swelling Measurements of p(NIPAAm-co-DMMIAAm) Microgels

Maria Baumann
Terpyridin funktionalisierte Poly(N-isopropylacrylamid)-Hydrogele

Claudia Gutsche
Synthesis and Functionalization of Linear Polyglycerol

Peter van Assenbergh
Rheology of Supramolecular Polymer Networks

Sebastian Bayer
Supramolecular Microgels for Reversible Cell Encapsulation

Axel Habicht
SANS und SLS Untersuchungen an pNIPAAm Hydrogelen

Hendrik Ronneburg
Investigations on the Swelling Behavior of Microgel Particles

Michael Giulbudagian
Swelling of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Thermo-Responsive Microgels

Enrico Miceli
Synthesis of Smart Microgel Colloids

Mohammed Amin
Droplet-Based Microfluidic Fabrication of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Microgels

Fany Di Lorenzo
Synthesis of Thermo-Sensitive Nano- and Microgels