Soft Matter

Part of the Lectures "Condensed Matter" and "Introduction to Advanced Matrials"


Wednesdays, 14:15 till 15:45, Newton-Room (01-122), Staudingerweg 9




Scripts - Soft Matter (login with your JGU account)




This class is a part of two lectures, one offered for chemistry students named “Condensed Matter”, and one offered for physics students named “Introduction to Advanced Materials”. Both these lectures aim at establishing a conceptual knowledge on the fundamentals of both hard and soft matter science, both from chemical and physical perspectives. The main focus of the soft matter part is on rheology and mechanics, primarily on view of polymer-based matter






Preface to the Winter Term 2024/25


Dear students:

This is one of several online presences for one part of the hybrid lecture "Condensed Matter”, offered to chemistry students, and “Introduction to Advanced Materials”, offered to physics students at JGU Mainz. Another online presence can be found the respective presences of these classes on our e-learning platform Moodle; it will automatically show up there under your content if you are registered for the respective class.

What does “one part” mean? It means that both the lectures just named have two parts: one on hard condensed matter and one on soft condensed matter. The hard-matter part mostly focuses on crystalline materials, on their structure, and on their electronic and magnetic properties; a methodological view will therefore be on scattering analytics. The soft-matter part focuses on amorphous materials, with a prime view to their (soft) mechanical properties; a methodological view will therefore be on rheology. Whereas the hard-matter part is taught by lecturers from physics, the soft-matter part is taught by chemists. The target group is both chemistry and physics students, to whom the lecture is also both offered (under different names, as said above).

What does "hybrid lecture" mean? It means that the lecture takes place in equal parts in digital and in real space. In the digital part, you can acquire the basic knowledge all by yourself. For this purpose, short scripts, each covering one of a total of six lesson units of this lecture part (that would normally be featured in a classical 90-min lecture-hall format each), are available to you as working materials in the "Scripts" section of this website and (alternatively), on our university`s e-learning platform Moodle. In addition, six accompanying digital lectures, in the format of both a video and an audio-podcast each, are available to you for streaming on this website and on Moodle. You can view/listen them at home, supported by the scripts, and thus consume the lecture contents conveniently from your private place.

With these materials, you will be able to work through the lecture material completely by yourself; and you should also be able to pass the exam. If you like, however, you are also cordially invited to attend a classroom session, which takes place as announced via JOGUStINe. In this classroom session, we will work together in a lively and interactive format to deepen and anchor the understanding of the lecture material. A special chance in this interactive format is the multidisciplinary target group of this lecture, offering chemists to learn from physicists and physicists to learn from chemists. To put this into practice, we will meet once a week and work through one by one of the lecture topic-units, respectively.

Participation in this presence format is voluntary, and the exam can be well passed without. It is to be expected, though, that true understanding of the lecture content can profit a lot from participation in this presence part of the class. Before each class, you are invited to take a little online quiz on the lecture material, which you can find on the lecture Moodle presence. The results of these quizzes are analyzed by the lecturer on the day before the presence class, which will then be specifically targeted to those, putting extra emphasis on those parts of the content that were NOT yet aced by the majority of the quiz participants. You also have the possibility to pose open-text questions in the quizzes, which will also be given extra emphasis in the presence lesson unit. With that, it should be tailored specifically to your needs and desires — and therefore be extra worth attending.

Your teacher,
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Seiffert


Audio- und Videostreams


1. Introduction to Soft Matter I

Video: click here


2. Introduction to Soft Matter II

Video: click here


3. Fundametals of Rheology

Video: click here


4. Viscoelasticity

Video: click here


5. Time–Temperature Superposition

Video: click here


6. Glass State

Video: click here


Dates and Lessons


Oct. 23, 2024   Introduction to Soft Matter I

Oct. 30, 2024   Introduction to Soft Matter II

Jan. 15, 2025   Fundametals of Rheology

Jan. 22, 2025   Viscoelasticity

Jan. 29, 2025   Time–Temperature Superposition

Feb. 05, 2025   Glass State